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Selasa, 05 April 2016


Assalamu'alaikum the readers..
nah kali ini saya akan posting power point tentang salah satu cabang pure linguistics yaitu Phonology..
semoga power point saya bisa sedikit memberikan informasi  tentang phonology..
jika ada comment ataupun saran , di persilahkan teman-teman.. ;)

Jumat, 01 April 2016


Field of Phonetics:  This is the study of speech sounds both the production of speech sounds by the human speech organs (articulatory phonetics) and the properties of the sounds themselves (acoustic phonetics). 
Part of The Phonetics
                   Phonetics has tree parts, namely:

1.      Articulatory Phonetics
Articulatory phonetics is interested in the movement of various parts of the vocal tract during speech. The vocal tract is the passages above the larynx where air passes in the production of speech. In simple terms which bit of the mouth moves when we make a sound.

2.      Acoustic Phonetics
This is the study of the sound waves made by the human vocal organs for communication and how the sounds are transmitted. The sound travels through from the speaker's mouth through the air to the hearer's ear, through the form of vibrations in the air. Phoneticians can use equipment like Oscillographs and Spectographs in order to analyse things like the frequency and duration of the sound waves produced. Acoustic phonetics also looks at how articulatory and auditory phonetics link to the acoustic properties.

The sounds of language are commonly described in articulatory and acoustic terms, and fall into two major types: syllabic sounds (vowels and syllabic liquids and nasals) and non-syllabic sounds (consonant and glides). Sounds may be voiced or voiceless and oral or nasal. Consonants are produced at various places of articulation: labial, dental, alveolar, alveopalatal, palatal, velar, uvular, glottal, and pharyngeal. At the places of articulation, the airstream is modified by different manners of articulation and the resulting sound are stops, fricatives, or affricatives. Vowels are produced with less drastic closure and are decsribed with reference to tongue position (high, low, back, and front). At last, language also shows suprasegmental phenoma such as tone, intonation, and stress.

Conclusion :

       There are many tools of human articulation and each of them has a different position and function in generating the sounds of language. However, there is an element that is not categorized as a human articulation, but has a very important role in generating the sound. The element is air and is the primary source of energy to produce sound. Vowel or consonant sounds is the sounds of language by tools of human articulation. All vowels are voiced sounds, consonants has a voiced sound and voiceless sound. Voiced and voiceless sound is related with condition of the vocal cords. Condition of the vocal cords (glottis) tightly closed when air out through it, then it will apply the vibration of the vocal cords and the resulting sound is the voice sounds. Conversely, if the vocal cords were stretched or open when the air through it, the vibration of the vocal cords do not apply, the resulting sound is voiceless sounds.


Baskaran, Loga Mahesan. 2005. A Linguistic Primer for Malaysian. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press.

Thankyou for visiting my blog, I'm sorry if there is a mistake. 
Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

English Conversation Club



How are you today the readers???
nah kali ini saya mau ngepost sesuai dengan judul saya di atas..
ada yang tau apa itu ECC ??? ada ?? ada ?? kalau ada yg tau syukur deh tapi kalau gak tau yaudah saya kasih tau deh.. hehehe

        ECC itu kepanjangan dari English Conversation Club.
Keren kan nama dan kepanjangannya, nah sama halnya seperti kegiatan ECC itu juga gak kalah keren loh.. ( anda penasaran??? Let’s see aja di TKP, hehe , kalau keingat kata itu teringat waktu saya baru masuk kuliah teruss di suruh jadi narator logat jawa.. hahaha agak flash back dikit boleh kan.. :D )

ECC itu adalah salah satu program wajib di tempat saya kuliah, yaitu Fakultas Kegurauan dan Ilmu Pendidikan yah tepatnya di Universitas Lancang Kuning yg paling THE BEST donk.. hehehe
Nah ECC itu bukan hanya untuk mahasiswa jurusan bahasa inggris aja loh tapi untuk SELURUUH MAHASISWA FKIP UNILAKKKKKK (haha berminat untuk ikut ECC ??? monggo daftar di Unilak truss pilih FKIP deh, hehehe promosi kampus tercinta :* In Sha Allah gak nyesel deh).
Oh yah jadi lupa deh buat ngebahas tentang ECC nya ( upsss maaf the readers )
        ECC itu kegiatan rutin FKIP yang di laksanakan setiap hari sabtu dari jam 08.30 wib sampai 10.00 wib.  jadi weekend nya diisi dengan kegiatan yg bermanfaat (trimakasih ya Allah, hahaha)
ECC itu seperti sekolah untuk membiasakann berbahasa inggris dengan pilihan kita masing-masing. Di ECC ada 6 kelas yaitu :
1.   Regular conversation class
2.  Blogging for fun
3.  Dance class
4.  On stage perfomance class
5.  Paper persentation class
6.  Public speaking
Nah jadi setiap mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk memilih sendiri mau ikut kelas  mana ( minggo tinggal di pilih waeee ) :D
Kalau saya di semester I memilih kelas on stage perfomence class jadi waktu itu instrukturnya adalah miss citra and miss erni.. :*

        On stage perfomrnce class itu melatih mental saya untuk berani tampil di depan umum.. contoh nya English song trus poetry trus di latih menjadi master of ceremony pokoknya banyak lagi deh.. hehehe

        Saya sangat suka sekali dengan kegiatan ECC ini, banyak hal yang saya dapatkan dari ECC ini.. saya berharap ECC akan menjadi lebih baik lagi untuk kedepannya, karena saya yakin ECC ini sanagat berguna dalam kehidupan kita, terutama kita sebagai mahasiswa.. selamat mencoba teman-teman.. :*  
oh yah salah satu hobi saya adalah nyoret2.. hihihi nah ini adalah salah satu hasil coretan saya dari lubuk hati saya yang paling dalam untuk ECC FKIP Unilak tercinta.. maaf yah kalau jelek.. hehehe :D

sekian dulu deh postingan saya tentang ECC.. In Shaa Allah saya akan posting lagi tentang kegiatan ECC nya..